State Managers at React

Re-thinking State Management in React


Development in React comes with endless of libraries, potentially complicating areas such as state management. This writing purpose is to revisits why extra state management libraries could be more of a bane than a boon.

The History of State Management in React

State management in React's early days was challenging, with problems like "prop drilling." The advent of global state provided a viable solution. But redux or another state components still hard to manage for inter-component and a lot of boilerplate and middleware complexity.

Advancements in React’s State Management

With the introduction of the ContextAPI and useReducer by React, the need for external state libraries has significantly declined.

Meta Frameworks and Server Components in React

The rise of Next.js and server-side components has further simplified state management by enabling state storage directly in the URL. Pushing idea storing state in url and rest of it in javascript. For example in filtering, let url taking care is help to make it better UX because the result of filter can be shared.

Which important?

As the state management paradigm in React continues to evolve, usually useStatic useContext and useReducer for data management need is sufficient, but developers need to adapt and carefully choose their tools.

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