Money Transfer System

Money Transfer API (opens in a new tab)

Dive into the world of financial transactions with the Money Transfer API - a simplistically designed, yet robust payment gateway solution.

Engineered to deliver fast, secure, and reliable online transactions, the Money Transfer API redefines the concept of seamless banking. It symbolises a pocket-sized bank, providing an array of functionalities revolving around the dynamics of financial transactions. Exemplifying a combination of design simplicity and robust functionality. It's where technology meets Payment Gateway service, delivering a secure and reliable platform for transferring money with ledgers in the digital space.

Development challenges:

  • High-reliability design: Making sure this project will handle any failure that might be happened in the middle of transaction.

Stacks technologies:

Spearheading this top-notch service is a battalion of cutting-edge technologies:

  • Go: The heartbeat of the project, Go brings with it the efficiency of concise syntax and fast execution. It provides the necessary gear to the backend, delivering outstanding performance, simplicity, and reliability.
  • Docker: Embracing containerization, the project harnesses the might of Docker. This lends a helping hand in deploying the application in virtually any environment without worrying about configuration woes, ensuring smooth and consistent performance.
  • Localstack: Cloud service emulator that runs in a single container on local machine. I used this to simulate SQS service.


  • Queue Service: By separating different components with message queues, it will create more fault tolerance and can work asynchronously.
  • Workers: Keeping pace with the high demand for concurrent operations, worker components form the pillars of the backend architecture. They ensure swift processing of tasks, significantly boosting efficiency.
  • Cron: Time is pivotal in executing periodic tasks, and for that, the concept of Cron shines bright. This lends superior control in scheduling tasks, ensuring operations are executed on time, every time.